How To Become React Developer In 2021 From Youtube

Alok Raj
2 min readJul 25, 2021
React Roadmap

A roadmap to becoming react developer from scratch for free for complete beginners to web development.

The courses listed below are my personal preference and have experienced myself. There are other great series available on YouTube, but these courses listed below are something that would be my personal recommendation to beginners.

Now. let’s see the list of series to be followed in order.

Step 1: Learn Git & GitHub
Step 2: Learn HTML
Step 3: Learn CSS, Bootstrap & SCSS
Step 4: Learn Javascript
Step 5: Learn React
Step 6: Learn Redux
// 🏆 Congratulations, you are now a React developer.

Git & GitHub

Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners Series — The Net Ninja


HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners — Brad Traversy

CSS, Bootstrap & SCSS

CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners — Brad Traversy

Before moving to Bootstrap & SCSS, you can quickly revise the learned concept by following the below series.

HTML & CSS Crash Course Series — The Net Ninja

Now move along, 😃

Bootstrap 5
Learn Flexbox in 15 Minutes
Learn Sass — Dev Ed


There is a lot of series to follow in this section but it’s important as Javascript is the Pillars. Please follow the series in order, focus more on Javascript Basics, Modern Javascript & Asynchronous JavaScript.

JavaScript Tutorial Series — The Net Ninja
Modern Javascript — freeCodeCamp
JavaScript Array Methods — Web Dev Simplified
JavaScript String Methods — freeCodeCamp
Objects and Prototypes In-depth — JavaBrains
Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript
DOM Manipulation — edureka!
Asynchronous JavaScript Series — The Net Ninja

An optional series to follow, which you can skip for the moment but this course is something which you must complete before appearing for any interview.

Namaste JavaScript Series — Akshay Saini


ReactJS Tutorial Series — Codevolution
React Router — Dev Ed
React Router
Protected Route


React Redux Series — Codevolution

React Unit Testing

React Unit Testing

Most of the courses listed above are series so make sure you are opening every video on YouTube directly.

Now I think you are ready to explore around and understand the bigger picture of React. Watch the Roadmap embedded below.

Good Luck

Reach out to me on LinkedIn

Originally published at



Alok Raj

Software Engineer ll @JLL 💻 | Open source enthusiast @opendevs 🚀